Teamsters Local Union No. 104
Teamsters Local Union No. 104

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The Teamsters Airline Division represents members in the airline industry, including mechanics, customer service agents, reservationists, simulator technicians, ramp agents, stock clerks, dispatch personnel, flight attendants and pilots. The Teamsters Airline Division continues to negotiate some of the best contracts in the industry, making Teamster contracts and membership the best choice for airline-industry employees. Over the past few years, the Teamsters Airline Division has focused its efforts not only on giving our members a voice in the workplace and in Washington, but also on being a voice for the American traveling public.
The Brewery, Bakery, & Soft Drink Conference of the Teamsters Union brings together members employed in the brewing and soft drink industries, as well as allied industries such as fruit juices, liquor, bottled water and can manufacturing. Responsibilities of the conference include: assistance in contract negotiations and organizing; implementation of national master agreements; administration of grievance panels; and coordination of legislative activity. A conference with a proud history, some locals in the conference date back to the 1800s.
The Freight Division represents the interests of truckers across North America. Hundreds of locals and tens of thousands of Teamsters are part of the division, which represents truck drivers, dockworkers, mechanics, office personnel and many others.

Page Last Updated: Oct 23, 2023 (10:19:00)
Teamsters Local Union No. 104
1450 S. 27th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85009

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